Adjustable ECR Ion Source Control System: Ion Source Hydrogen Positive Project
Ikusi/ Ireki
Eguiraun, Mikel
Piso, Daniel
Del Campo, María
Poggi, Tomaso
Varnasseri, Seadat
Feuchtwanger Morales, Jorge
Bilbao, J.
González, Xabier
Harper, Giles
Miracoli, Rosalba
Corres Ochoa De Olano, Francisco Javier
Belver, Daniel
Echevarria, Pablo
Garmendia, Nagore
González, P.
2014 19th IEEE-NPSS Real Time Conference : 1-4 (2015)
ISHP (Ion Source Hydrogen Positive) project consists of a highly versatile ECR type ion source. It has been built for several purposes, on the one hand, to serve as a workbench to test accelerator related technologies and validate in-house made developments, at the first stages. On the other hand, to design an ion source valid as the first step in an actual LINAC. Since this paper is focused on the control system of ISHP, besides the ion source, all the hardware and its control architecture is presented. Nowadays
the ion source is able to generate a pulse of positive ions of Hydrogen from 2 us to a few ms range with a repetition rate ranging from 1 Hz to 50 Hz with a maximum of 45 mA of current. Furthermore, the first experiments with White Rabbit (WR) synchronization system are presented.