Constraining the value of the dielectric constant of the ferroelectric nematic phase
Physical Review E 110(2) : (2024) // Article ID L022701
Ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals are currently being subject to a plethora of investigations since they are of
great fundamental interest and could potentially foster promising applications. However, many basic aspects are
still poorly understood, among which the problem of the dielectric constant stands out. Ferroelectric nematics
have previously been reported to exhibit giant dielectric constants whose value depends on the thickness of the
measurement cell, claims that have recently been shown to be the result of an incorrect interpretation of the
experimental data. The intrinsic permittivity of these materials has not been determined yet. In this work, we
tackle this problem by modeling the dielectric response of the liquid crystal filled cell through an equivalent
circuit proposed by Clark et al. [Phys. Rev. Res. 6, 013195 (2024)] accounting for polarization reorientation
and the effect of insulating interfacial layers. We arrive at the conclusion that the perpendicular component of
the permittivity ε⊥ is of the order of 10 in the prototypical ferroelectric nematogen DIO, while the parallel
component ε is of the order of 150. In this way, the dielectric tensor of DIO has been fully determined.