Impact of remittances on economic growth and poverty reduction amongst CIS countries
Ikusi/ Ireki
Abduvaliev, Mubinzhon
Bustillo Mesanza, Ricardo
Post-Communist Economies 32(4) : 525-546 (2020)
The main goal of this paper is to assess the effect of remittances on economic growth and poverty reduction amongst the post-Soviet states, compared with other external sources of capital, such as foreign aid and foreign direct investment. In this paper we use a panel data set on economic growth and poverty estimates (poverty headcount, poverty gap and poverty severity) in 10 selected former post-Soviet republics i.e. Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). We found that, on average, a 1% increase in remittance flows provokes around a 0.25% rise in per capita GDP and a 2% decline in poverty severity. Remittances seem to have produced a significant reduction on poverty through increasing income and smoothing consumption levels.