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dc.contributor.authorBerasategi, Joanes
dc.contributor.authorPeñalba Retes, Markel
dc.contributor.authorBlanco Aguilera, Ricardo
dc.contributor.authorMartínez Agirre, Manex
dc.contributor.authorBou-Ali, M. Mounir
dc.contributor.authorShevtsova, Valentina
dc.identifier.citationInternational Journal of Hydrogen Energy 52(A) : 1062-1075 (2024)es_ES
dc.description.abstractGiven the current maturity of hydrogen technologies, accurate and computationally efficient numerical models are crucial for improving their understanding and development. Traditional models are either computationally prohibitive or lack the capacity to assess the spatial distribution of critical variables. The present paper suggests a hybrid numerical model for Fuel Cells (FCs) and electrolysers, articulating the coupling between a 1D analytical model and a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model via a nonlinear regression. Results present an initial validation of the 1D analytical model and the CFD model, and, once the validation is proven successful, the hybrid model is evaluated with a relatively long and highly varying loading profile that covers a wide range of the potential operational points of a FC. The hybrid model shows promising results, showing fidelity levels similar to CFD models, including the capacity to assess the spatial distribution, and a low computational cost. Hence, this hybrid model is demonstrated to be an attractive tool for the design of FCs and electrolysers, optimisation of thermal management and control strategies, degradation analysis, and techno-economic analysis.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis publication is part of the research project TED2021-132767A-I00 funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the research project funded by the Basque Government's ELKARTEK 2022 program under the grant No. KK-2021/00086, and the project 2022-CIEN-000052-01 funded by the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council. The project is also supported by the Basque Government's Research Group Program under the grant No. IT1505-22.es_ES
dc.subjecthydrogen technologieses_ES
dc.subjectfuel cells & electrolyserses_ES
dc.subjectCFD simulationses_ES
dc.subject1D analytical modellinges_ES
dc.subjecthybrid couplinges_ES
dc.titleA hybrid 1D-CFD numerical framework for the thermofluidic assessment and design of PEM fuel cell and electrolyserses_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
dc.departamentoesIngeniería Energéticaes_ES
dc.departamentoeuEnergia Ingenieritzaes_ES

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© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as © 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (