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dc.contributor.authorMazuela, Mikel
dc.contributor.authorBaraia, Igor
dc.contributor.authorSánchez Ruiz, Alain
dc.contributor.authorEcheverria, Ivan
dc.contributor.authorTorre, Iñigo
dc.contributor.authorAtutxa, Iñigo
dc.identifier.citationIEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63(12) : 7864-7875 (2016)es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe reduced capability of multilevel converters with more than one intermediate node to balance the dc-link capacitors voltage, as well as the lack of standard modulation methods to improve their balancing performance, makes these converter topologies unattractive for real power applications. This is especially true when the load demands active power. One of these topologies is the five-level multipoint clamped (5L-MPC) converter. The back-to-back (B2B) configuration of two 5L-MPC converters and the use of a space vector modulation (SVM) that exploits the voltage balancing capability of the redundant switching vectors extend the operation conditions range in which a proper voltage balance can be achieved. However, if practical modulation restrictions are considered (limitation of voltage steps, dead times, switching losses, etc.), the voltage balance cannot be achieved for all operation conditions. In this paper, an SVM which takes into account practical restrictions is proposed. In order to guarantee the voltage balance at any operation condition, the grid-side rectifier exchanges reactive power with the grid-side LCL filter. Thus, the voltage balance of the dc-link is guaranteed while a unity grid-side power factor is achieved. The proposed modulation scheme and the voltage balancing strategy are experimentally validated in a 6.6 kV 1.5 MW 5L-MPC B2B converter.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipBasque Government under Grant AE-302.es_ES
dc.subjectAC driveses_ES
dc.subjectback-to-back (B2B)es_ES
dc.subjectLCL filteres_ES
dc.subjectmedium voltage (MV)es_ES
dc.subjectmultipoint clamped (MPC)es_ES
dc.subjectmultilevel converteres_ES
dc.subjectneutral point clamped (NPC)es_ES
dc.subjectspace vector modulation (SVM)es_ES
dc.subjectvoltage source converter (VSC)es_ES
dc.titleDC-Link Voltage Balancing Strategy Based on SVM and Reactive Power Exchange for a 5L-MPC Back-to-Back Converter for Medium-Voltage Driveses_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2016 IEEEes_ES
dc.departamentoesTecnología electrónicaes_ES
dc.departamentoeuTeknologia elektronikoaes_ES

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