A COVID-19 Roadmap to Promote Health Literacy Derived from the Atlas of Science Literacy
The American Biology Teacher 85(6) : 305-313 (2023). doi: https://doi.org/10.1525/abt.2023.85.6.305
Currently, the world needs health-literate citizens who are able to make informed decisions about COVID-19 and other diseases. Here, we propose a COVID-19 roadmap consisting of four commented maps about infection, diagnosis, defense, treatment, and prevention. We built the maps based on those from the Atlas of Science Literacy following a qualitative methodology. Main ideas about health linked to COVID-19 and how they relate to each other can be visualized in the maps in an organized structure and according to K-levels. The maps are accompanied by a text that relates the health ideas to the COVID-19 disease. This tool can be used to promote health education and, ultimately, health literacy through the teaching and learning of COVID-19.