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dc.contributor.advisorMilo Urquiola, Aitor
dc.contributor.advisorFernández Herrero, Elvira
dc.contributor.authorGoitia Zabaleta, Nerea
dc.description251 p.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe PhD thesis proposes a centralised two-stage energy community market to address uncertainties in renewable generation and consumption, introducing a novel business model based on Battery as a Service (BaaS). A comprehensive review of Energy Communities (ECs) and Local Energy Markets (LEMs) identifies gaps in existing literature, paving the way for the proposed research. Mathematical modelling and control mechanisms for EC asset management, including real-time management and central optimisation, are detailed. The thesis develops a centralised optimisation algorithm for LEM operation and evaluates the proposed P2P pricing and energy-sharing market through scenario comparisons and sensitivity analysis. Key findings highlight the effectiveness of the proposed community-based P2P pricing and the performance benefits of integrating local energy storage solutions. Additionally, a new tariff proposal for electricity systems is presented, enhancing the profitability of the BaaS business model. Sensitivity analysis further elucidates the impact of various factors on the proposed two-stage LEM approach, providing valuable insights for implementation and future research directionses_ES
dc.subjectelectrical technology and engineeringes_ES
dc.subjectpower technologyes_ES
dc.subjectsectorial economicses_ES
dc.titleDesign, Development and Validation of Centralised Two-Stage P2P Energy Community Marketes_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2024 Nerea Goitia Zabaleta
dc.departamentoesIngeniería eléctricaes_ES
dc.departamentoeuIngeniaritza elektrikoaes_ES

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