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dc.contributor.advisorHajek, Jeremy
dc.contributor.advisorHerrero Villalibre, Saioa
dc.contributor.authorBaranda Barron, Jon Andoni
dc.contributor.otherMaster de Ingeniería (Tel902)
dc.contributor.otherIngeniariako Master (Tel902)
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of this research is the design and build of a custom private cloud. It is based on different points, which in turn define the scope of the work: _ • Research and choose the best way to create a private cloud: Before starting any project, it is important to learn as much as possible about the technology and the state of the art. This will introduce the researcher on the topic to study, as well as give the bases to start the hands-on part of the project. The goal of this part it is going to be to decide the best way to create the private cloud, considering requirements, goals, existing service as well as some other factors._ • Design and configure the private cloud: After understanding the bases and deciding the way and requirements to build the cloud it is time to start working on it. This is the step to pass from the theory to the practice. The goal of this step is to end up having a fully functional private cloud. During this step it is fundamental to document every step taken, this can help in a future to recreate the project or to continue the research._ • Test and verify in multiple ways the cloud designed: The last step of the research it is going to be to test the cloud created in the previous step in different ways. This includes testing how system monitoring works, file storage, processing, overall user experience and so on.es_ES
dc.subjectcustom private cloudes_ES
dc.titleDesign and Build of a Custom Private Cloudes_ES
dc.rights.holderAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 España*

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Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 3.0 España
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