Emisio Gidatuen Neurketa Behe-Tentsioko Banaketa-Sarean (2-500 kHz)
Gallarreta Canteli, Alexander
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This Doctoral Thesis is focused on the definition of new measurement methods for the characterization of conducted emissions, both non-intentional (such as disturbances) and intentional (such as PLC transmissions), present in the LV distribution grid for the 9-500 kHz range. This Doctoral Thesis has obtained 7 relevant contributions to achieve this main objective. Firstly, test signals, real recordings and synthetic waveforms, are defined for the evaluation of the measurement methods. Secondly, the existing measurement methods for the 2-500 kHz are compiled, and their performance and accuracy are evaluated. Thirdly, a measurement method to obtain the root-mean-square spectra in the 9-500 kHz range is defined. Then, 4 measurement methods for the obtention of quasi-peak values in the 9-500 kHz are described; 2 of them are defined for the 9-150 kHz band, and the other 2 are defined for the 150-500 kHz range. Afterward, a measurement technique for the characterization of the impulsive disturbances in the joint time-frequency domain is described, which detects and analyses these impulsive disturbances separately from the non-impulsive emissions. Additionally, a consistent measurement framework is presented, compiling all the novel methods defined in this Doctoral Thesis, showing that they provide the necessary metrics to comprehensively characterize the conducted emissions present in the LV grid in the 9-500 kHz range, and ensuring the consistency of their results with the measurement methodology defined in power-quality standards below 9 kHz. Finally, a set of measurement use cases is developed to fulfill the measurement needs in the 9-500 kHz range, defining their characteristics and the most suitable measurement methods in each use case Doktorego-tesi honetan 7 ekarpen garrantzitsu aurkitzen dira helburu nagusi hori lortzeko. Lehenik eta behin, neurketa-metodoak ebaluatzeko proba-seinaleak definitu dira, BTko sarean egindako grabazio eta emisio sintetikoez osatutako datu base baten bidez. Bigarrenik, 2-500 kHz maiztasun tarterako dauden neurketa-metodoak bildu dira, eta horien ezaugarriak eta zehaztasuna ebaluatu dira. Hirugarrenik, batez besteko espektro koadratikoa 9-500 kHz-eko maiztasun tartean lortzeko neurketa-metodo bat definitu da. Jarraian, 9-500 kHz tartean `quasi-peak¿ balioak lortzeko 4 neurketa-metodo deskribatzen dira; horietako bi 9-150 kHz bandarako definitu dira, eta beste biak 150-500 kHz maiztasun tarterako. Jarraian, denbora-maiztasun domeinuan emisio inpultsiboak ezaugarritzeko neurketa-teknika bat deskribatu da. Teknika horrek emisio inpultsibo horiek detektatzen eta aztertzen ditu, emisio ez-inpultsiboetatik bereizita. Horrez gain, neurketa-esparru kontsistente bat aurkezten da, Doktorego Tesi honetan definitutako metodo berri guztiak bilduz, BTko sarean 9-500 kHz maiztasun tartean dauden emisio gidatuak zehatz-mehatz ezaugarritzeko. Neurketa-esparru honek emisio gidatuen analisia egiteko behar diren metrikak ematen ditu, baina potentziaren kalitatea definitzen duten estandarrek 9 kHz baino gutxiagoko maiztasunetan ezarritako neurketa-metodologia bermatuz. Azkenik, neurketa erabilera-kasuen multzo bat garatu da 9-500 kHz maiztasun tartean dauden neurketa-beharrak asebetetzeko. Gainera erabilera-kasuen ezaugarriak eta neurketa-metodo egokienen aukeraketa definitu da