Examinar INVESTIGACIÓN por departamento (eus.) "Gizarte psikologia eta portaera zientzen metodologia"
Now showing items 1-20 of 111
Adaptive Reflection on Negative Emotional Experiences: Convergences and Divergence Between the Processing-Mode Theory and the Theory of Self-Distancing Reflection
(Frontiers Media, 2019-09-03)Reflecting on negative emotional experiences can be adaptive but it can also maintain or intensify detrimental emotional states. Which factors determine whether reflection can have one consequence or another is unclear. ... -
Adolescent-to-Parent Violence and Family Environment: The Perceptions of Same Reality?
(MDPI, 2019-06-23)The use of several sources of information (parents and children) is scarce in family studies. Child-to-parent violence (CPV) is still considered the most hidden and stigmatized form of family violence. One objective of ... -
Age-Based Positivity Effects in Imagining and Recalling Future Positive and Negative Autobiographical Events
(Frontiers Media, 2017-09-27)Thoughts about the future reflect personal goals, and projections into the future enrich our emotional life. Researchers have taken an interest in determining whether the tendency to remember more positive than negative ... -
Ajuste psicológico y salud mental de la población inmigrante : influencia del género y la cultura
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2011-07-01)La presente tesis estudia las características del proceso migratorio y de aculturación de las mujeres y hombres de Latinoamérica y del Magreb, y la repercusión que las dificultades de dicho proceso tienen a nivel psicológico. ... -
An emotional path to ourselves.
(2019-11-11)Self-transcendence of the self has been approached theoretically and empirically in a variety of forms and can be experienced in the form of Self-Transcendent Emotions (STEs). These different emotional episodes orientate ... -
Análisis de los conflictos de convivencia social: una perspectiva desde la criminología ambiental y la acción criminal
(2020-06-16)Los continuos cambios que experimenta la sociedad en su evolución tienen impacto en la institución policial, viéndose necesarias importantes reformas e innovaciones en sus enfoques. Asimismo, la pequeña delincuencia y la ... -
Análisis del delito de agresión sexual desde una perspectiva ambiental: patrones espacio-temporales, conductas de movilidad del infractor y características del escenario del crimen ubicados en espacio
(2016-05-20)La agresión sexual se encuentra entre los delitos que genera una mayor alama social, pudiendo calificarse como especialmente grave, debido a las consecuencias tanto físicas como psicológicas que ocasionan en la víctima, ... -
Una aproximación a los medios de comunicación en el conflicto vasco desde el Periodismo de Paz
(Instituto Interuniversitario de Desarrollo Social y Paz, Universidad de Alicante, 2020-06)ES] El artículo presenta un estudio interdisciplinar sobre los medios de comunicación en el confl icto vasco a la luz del Periodismo de Paz y la Psicología Social. El estudio expone los principales trabajos en Ciencias de ... -
Armed Conflict, Psychosocial Impact and Reparation in Colombia: Women’s Voice
(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2017)The armed conflict in Colombia has gone on for fifty years and produced numerous victims. Women make up a collective that has been especially affected and made invisible by the violence. Based on 935 interviews of Colombian ... -
Artificial Intelligence in Criminal Justice Settings:: Where should be the limits of Artificial Intelligence in legal decision-making? Should an AI device make a decision about human justice?
(2020-06-15)The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems for high-stakes decision making is currently out for debate. In the Criminal Justice System, it can provide great benefits as well as aggravate systematic biases and ... -
Aspectos psicosociales del compromiso organizacional: análisis del modelo multidimensional de Virtanen desde la teoría de las representaciones sociales de Moscovici
(Sociedad Valenciana de Psicologia Social, 2008)Se propone un modelo teórico integrativo para profundizar en el estudio de los factores culturales, sociales y psicosociales que influyen el compromiso organizacional junto con los factores de tipo individual y organizacional. ... -
Assessing image‐based sexual abuse: Measurement, prevalence, and temporal stability of sextortion and nonconsensual sexting (“revenge porn”) among adolescents
(Wiley, 2022-07)Introduction: The aim of this study is to develop a new measure of victimization and perpetration of two frequent forms of image‐based sexual abuse, namely sextortion (i.e., the threat of distributing sexual images to ... -
Be water: Direct and indirect relations between perceived emotional intelligence and subjective well-being.
(Taylor & Francis, 2015)Trait emotional intelligence (TEI) has been shown to have predictive capacity for certain dimensions of adaptation, such as life satisfaction and affectivity. The Trait Meta Mood Scale (TMMS), based on the EI ability model, ... -
Behavioral problems and depressive symptomatology as predictors of child-toparent violence
(Elsevier, 2014-07)[EN]The number of complaints filed by parents against their children nationwide has increased dramatically, particularly since 2005. The aim of this study was to examine whether young offenders who had been charged for ... -
Body and appearance-related self-conscious emotions, emotional regulation strategies, and disordered eating in adult men
(Springer Nature, 2024)Eating disorders (ED) in men are the great unknown. Although several studies have been carried out, it is still understood how men develop these disorders. In this regard, this paper explores the relationship between body ... -
Bonding and restorative potential of urban spaces.
(2019-01-18)La restauración psicológica es un proceso que permite recuperarse de la fatiga atencional y el cansancio emocional derivados del desempeño cotidiano al entrar en contacto con espacios que poseen determinadas cualidades. ... -
Breaking the Silence! Afrontamiento y regulación emocional en Violencia de Género
(2017-06-15)El objetivo es analizar los factores de riesgo y formas de regulación emocional que utilizan las mujeres para afrontar la violencia por parte de la pareja íntima (VPI). Consta de 3 secciones y 6 capítulos empíricos. Primero, ... -
Cálculo de confiabilidad a través del uso del coeficiente Omega de McDonald
(Sociedad Médica Santiago, Chile, 2017-02)... -
Child-to-Parent Violence as an Intervening Variable in the Relationship between Inter-Parental Violence Exposure and Dating Violence
(MDPI, 2020-02-22)The exposure of adult children to inter-parental violence is an indirect form of victimization which has not been widely investigated in relation to its consequences in adulthood. The main goal of this study was to analyze ...