Now showing items 1-3 of 3

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      High Availability Automation Networks: PRP and HSR Ring Implementations 

      Araujo, José Ángel; Lázaro Arrotegui, Jesús; Astarloa Cuéllar, Armando Fermín; Zuloaga Izaguirre, Aitzol; García, Alain (IEEE, 2012-05)
      The work developed has as basis the networks/protocols described in the standard IEC 62439-3 Industrial automation networks - High availability automation networks: PRP and HSR. The similarities of both networks and a ...
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      Memory Requirements Analysis for PRP and HSR Hardware Implementations on FPGAs 

      Araujo Parra, José Ángel ORCID; Lázaro Arrotegui, Jesús; Astarloa Cuéllar, Armando Fermín; Moreira Ciruelos, Naiara; García, Alain (IEEE, 2014-01-02)
      The IEC62439-3 defines two ways to obtain a high availability automation network: Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) and High-availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR). In order to do that, those methods include different ...
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      PRP and HSR Version 1 (IEC 62439-3 Ed.2), Improvements and a Prototype Implementation 

      Araujo Parra, José Ángel ORCID; Lázaro Arrotegui, Jesús; Astarloa Cuéllar, Armando Fermín; Zuloaga Izaguirre, Aitzol; García, Alain (IEEE, 2013-11)
      The IEC62439-3: Industrial communication networks - High availability automation networks - Part 3: Parallel Redundancy Protocol (PRP) and High-availability Seamless Redundancy (HSR), defines two protocols which provides ...