Now showing items 121-124 of 324

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      The materials and making process of the relief painting technique of ‘applied-brocade’ in the Basque country. 

      Rodríguez López, Ainhoa ORCID; Bazeta Gobantes, Fernando; Escohotado Ibor, María Teresa; Khandekar, Narayan (ICOM-CC, 2017)
      The painted decoration of applied-brocade, more accurately described as applied tin-relief brocade, became a popular decorative technique in most of Europe, including Spain, from the middle of the fifteenth century to ...
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      ¿Sirvienta, interina o trabajadora? Discursos del Servicio Doméstico en el Segundo Franquismo 

      De Dios Fernández, Eider ORCID (Euskal Herriko Univertsitatea & Valentín de Foronda, 2012)
      A finales de los cincuenta en España existía un gran debate sobre el futuro del servicio doméstico y los cambios que se estaban produciendo en él. El servicio doméstico era un sector en el que se podían percibir modificaciones ...
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      A protocol to test the sensitivity of lighting equipment to voltage fluctuations 

      Gutiérrez Ruiz, José Julio ORCID; Beeckman, Pierre; Azcarate Blanco, Izaskun (CIRED, 2015)
      The massive application of new lighting technologies and the phase out of incandescent lamps present an important challenge in terms of flicker. The standardized flicker measurement procedure and the existing compatibility ...
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      Type Testing of a Highly Accurate Illuminance Flickermeter 

      Azcarate Blanco, Izaskun; Gutiérrez Ruiz, José Julio ORCID; Lazkano Bilbao, Andoni; Leturiondo Arana, Luis Alberto; Saiz Agustín, Purificación ORCID; Redondo Serrano, Koldo; Barros, Julio (IEEE, 2012)
      The standard IEC 61000-4-15 establishes the design specifications to measure the annoyance produced by flicker. This instrument is based on the working principles and the response to input voltage variations of an incandescent ...