Komunikazioak;;Comunicaciones: Recent submissions
Now showing items 45-48 of 319
Smart Carrier for Scan Chain Emulation of ASIC Prototypes under Test
(2024)The low and medium complexity SoCs used for sensing and networking in Critical Sectors, like Energy, Industry, Transportation, and A&D, are typically built using mature 65-22nm technologies. The demand for more specialized, ... -
Le Dauphin itsasontziko euskarazko gutunak (1757): lehen hurbilketa
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2013)1757ko apirilean Britainia Handiko hiru gerraontzik Atlantikoa zeharkatzen ari zen Le Dauphin zeritzon itsasontzia harrapatu zuten. Baionatik atera eta Louisbourgerako norabidea zeraman. Britainiarrek itsasontzian zegoen ... -
RISC-V based Spacewire Node implemented on European Radiation Hardened FPGA Devices
(2024)This research presents a SoC implementation of a SpaceWire node, consisting of an open 32-bit RISC-V CPU and an HDL SpaceWire IP core on a European Radiation-Hardened SRAM FPGA (NanoXplore) and a Microchip (Microsemi) ... -
Searching for a rara avis: the history of Basque optative
(Universidade de Vigo, 2018)Though all languages are able to convey hopes and desires, only some among them have a specific verbal inflection for this purpose, the optative mood. Up to now, every grammatical description of Souletin Basque (easternmost ...