Komunikazioak;;Comunicaciones: Recent submissions
Now showing items 97-100 of 321
Hizkuntza identitateak identitate berrien baitan: mahai-ingurua
(Soziolinguistikako Klusterra, 2009)Mahai-inguruan izango ditugun hiru hizlariak ezagutuko dituzue. Igor Calzada, Nevadako Unibertsitateko irakaslea, Josu Amezaga, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko irakaslea eta Jon Sarasua, Mondragon Unibertsitateko HUHEZI ... -
Benefits of Dynamic Line Rating on System Operation
(IEEE, 2021-11-30)This paper explores the benefits that ampacity dynamic line ratings (DLR) can offer to obtain a higher penetration of wind power generation in the grid. This paper presents an analysis of real examples where monitoring ... -
Pueblos libres y pueblos serviles en la historiografía y la literatura decimonónicas sobre el País Vasco
(Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2018)Los historiadores grecorromanos recogen mayoritariamente un discurso favorable al imperialismo romano, pero también visiones más críticas de la conquista, bien mediante la idealización del bárbaro, bien mediante discursos ... -
Characterising the rankings produced by combinatorial optimisation problems and finding their intersections.
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2019-07)[EN] The aim of this paper is to introduce the concept of intersection between combinatorial optimisation problems. We take into account that most algorithms, in their machinery, do not consider the exact objective function ...