Browsing TD-Ciencias by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1165
1, 2, 3 - Triazoles as key frameworks in drug discovery & metal catalysis
(2017-07-07)La tesis se enmarca dentro de la química de los 1H-1,2,3-triazoles y sus sales de N-alquil-triazolio. El trabajo realizado contempla los siguientes objetivos:1.- Sintetizar y estudiar los 1H-1,2,3-triazoles como plantillas ... -
3D Porous Graphene-Polymer Materials for CO2 capture
(2022-10-14)The era of energy demand will continue increasing in the next decades, and as a consequence, the emissions of pollutant greenhouse gases, especially CO2. Thus, there is a great interest in the development of efficient and ... -
3D structures based on carbón materials and conducting polymers for electroresponsive cell cultures
(2021-01-13)El campo de la ingeniería de tejidos (TE) requiere la generación de nuevas plataformas tridimensionales como implantes o materiales tridimensionales para estudios de modelos. Dentro de todos los tejidos, nosotros nos hemos ... -
3D Topological Photonic Crystals: Theoretical Methods and Applications
(2023-12-13)The concept of topology has revolutionized our understanding of condensed matter physics, leading to the discovery of novel electronic phases and the emergence of topological materials. In recent years, this concept has ... -
A biomarker+histopathology toolbox in Solea spp. for the assessment of the biological effects of pollution in the context of the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
(2020-01-24)La presente tesis doctoral enfoca en el estudio del lenguado como especie centinela para los programas de seguimiento de la contaminación marina basados en evaluaciones de efectos biológicos mediante biomarcadores y análisis ... -
A computational glance at organometallic cyclizations and coupling reactions
(2016-07-18)Organometallic chemistry is one of the main research topics in chemical science.Nowadays, organometallic reactions are the subject of intensive theoretical investigations.However, in many cases, only joint experimental and ... -
A geometric and physical study of Riemann's non-diferentiable function.
(2020-07-08)Riemann's non-differentiable function is a classic example of a continuous but almost nowheredifferentiable function, whose analytic regularity has been widely studied since it was proposedin the second half of the 19th ... -
A high throughput experimental and computational approach for high voltage Mn based spinel materials exploration
(2023-11-30)Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) currently stand as the most performant rechargeable batteries in the market although increasing their energy density, durability, sustainability, and safety is still needed. To accelerate ... -
A new understanding of entanglements in polymers applications to rheology and processing
(2017-06-07)In the type of research I propose, I look at polymer phusics from a different angle: I consider the statistics of a system consisting of a set of interactive conformers belonging to all the chains put together at once. The ... -
A Pd-Catalysed [4 + 2] Annulation Strategy to Densely Functionalised N-Heterocycles
(2021-03-25)[EN]This thesis describes the synthesis of a library of novel sp3-rich N-heterocycles containing orthogonal functionality via a palladium-catalysed allylation-condensation sequence. The employment of a readily available ... -
A phenomenological exploration within Theoretical Cosmology: from the Early to the Late Universe.
(2018-10-11)En esta tesis se han explorado posibles extensiones del Modelo Estándar de la Cosmología. Hemos obtenido las predicciones teóricas de los modelos considerados y sus principales características. Los resultados presentados ... -
A pre-targeting approach to boron neutron capture therapy: towards multipurpose boron-enriched therapeutic agents.
(2020-07-06)En la presente tesis se describe en primer lugar una comparativa entre diferentes técnicas analíticas para la caracterización de anticuerpos funcionalizados con ligandos utilizados típicamente en imagen nuclear. Se comparar ... -
A Rigorous Exploration of the Plexcitonic Phenomena: Hybridized Light-Matter States using Gold Nanoparticles and J-aggregates
(2024-05-10)This work is focused on investigating the interplay between plasmon-exciton interactions within strongly coupled plexcitonic systems. Here, gold nanoparticles were used as the plasmonic component and molecular chains known ... -
A study of localic subspaces, separation, and variants of normality and their duals.
(2022-07-01)As in classical topology, in localic topology one often needs to restrict to locales satisfyinga certain degree of separation. In fact, the study of separation in the category of localesconstitutes a non-trivial and important ... -
A study of metal-organic framework sorption phenomena in solution.
(2023-05-04)Metal-organic Frameworks (MOFs) are crystalline porous materials built up from metal ions or clusters connected with organic linkers through strong coordination bonds. Among the most outstanding properties their high ... -
A study of the charge storage mechanism in iron rich transition metal layered oxides for sodium-ion batteries: structural evolution, reaction kinetics and high voltage stability
(2021-07-19)Las baterías de sodio ión están consideradas como una de las tecnologías más prometedoras como alternativa a las de litio ión usadas comúnmente a día de hoy. Especialmente, los óxidos laminares son uno de los candidatos ... -
Ab initio many-body perturbation theory to study molecular systems: from implementation to applications
(2022-10-04)The theory describing the interaction between light and matter at nanoscale is nearly as old as quantum mechanics. Over the years, it has been shown that such theoretical models not only enable materials scientists to ... -
Ab initio study of hydrogen based superconducting compounds at ambient pressure
(2023-04-04)En esta tesis, nos enfocamos en estudiar candidatos a superconductividad a presión ambiental a altas temperaturas utilizando cálculos basados en primeros principios.Estudiamos sistemas basados en hidrógeno, ya que observaciones ... -
Ab-initio theoretical study of electronic excitations and optical properties in nanostructures
(2017-07-21)La miniaturización de los dispositivos electrónicos para la transferencia de información y procesado de señales ha impulsado el estudio de las propiedades electrónicas y la dinámica de excitaciones electrónicas en ...