Master Tesiak;;Tesis de Master: Recent submissions
Now showing items 5-8 of 1211
The Interpretation of Generics and Universal Quantifiers in Spanish-speaking Children
(2024)Among the many linguistic phenomena that can be found in everyday discourse, one that has garnered extensive linguistic, and psychological attention is genericity. Generics are statements such as “cats have whiskers” or ... -
Lstm-based attack clasification in Iot networks
(2024-10-31)The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has heightened the need for robust security measures to protect against a growing number of cyberattacks. In this project, a Long ShortTerm Memory (LSTM) neural network ... -
Process optimization in advance manufacturing
(2024-10-31)This project explores the application of Machine Learning as a tool for parameter tuning in optimal control and optimization problems of additive manufacturing. The primary objective is to increase the yield of metal ... -
Ozone and fine and ultrafine particulate matter penetration into residences in Chicago
(2024-10-31)Gran parte de la exposición humana al ozono y a las partículas de origen exterior ocurre en interiores, especialmente en edificios residenciales. El factor de penetración de estos contaminantes a través de las filtraciones ...