Browsing Tesis de Master by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1211
16 de 16
(2016-05-10)Catálogo de la Exposición celebrada en el Centro Cultural Kultur Leioa, Bizkaia. Del 26 de Septiembre al 10 de Noviembre de 2013. -
1920. hamarkadan Erronkari Ibarrean jaio eta bizitako emakumeen bizimodua: denboraren kudeaketa eta honetan genero-sistemak duen eragina
(2015-08-07)Oso ohikoa da landa eremuko emakumeen bizitzaren imaginarioa negatiboa izatea, eta are gehiago, aurreko mendean jaiotakoena emakumeena, egungo belaunaldi zaharrenarena alegia. Esklabizatutako emakumetzat ditu gaur egungo ... -
2017ko Bertsolari Txapelketa Nagusiko umorea aztergai, genero-ikuspegitik
(2018-10)Ikerketa lan honetan boterearekin harreman zuzena duten bi eremu, hau da, genero-sistema eta umore-sistema, gaur egungo bat-bateko bertsolaritzaren testuinguruaren baitan uztartzeko ahalegina egin dut. Iaz neuk burututako ... -
6-8 urteko umeen gaitasun digitala garatzen
(UPV/EHU eta UEU, 2017)Haurrak teknologia erabiltzaile goiztiarrak dira gaur egun. Kontsumitzaile sutsuak dira eta aisialdiarekin lotura estua duen jarduera gisa ulertzen dute . Gaitasun digitalari buruzko eztabaidak eta ideia nagusiak aztertu ... -
90 Gradutara atea duen hesi sanitarioko garbigailu modelo baten garapena, prototipatua eta konprobazioa, ate bakarreko garbigailu konbentzional batetik abiatuta
(2021-11-23)Euskaraz: COVID19 birusaren ondoriozko gaur egungo pandemia egoerak bultzatuta, ehun ezberdinen garbiketa prozesuetan hartu beharreko segurtasun neurriak nabarmen zorroztu dira. Ondorioz, garbiketan infekzioak ekiditeen ... -
A common semantic space for monolingual and cross-lingual meta-embeddings
(2019-10-29)This master’s thesis presents a new technique for creating monolingual and cross-lingual meta-embeddings. Our method integrates multiple word embeddings created from complementary techniques, textual sources, knowledge ... -
A comparative assessment of Smart Specialisation Strategies: the RIS3 of The Basque Country, Extremadura and Emilia Romagna
(2019)[EN]Today we are in the middle of the eight European programming period 2014-2020, where the Smart Specialisation Strategy has assumed a central role for the effective realisation and achievement of the European Cohesion ... -
A Comparative Study Of Cell Culture Conditions During Conversion From Primed To Naive Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
(2023-03-01)Since the successful reprogramming of human somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), stem cells have opened up a large field of research to generate new therapies due to their ability to differentiate ... -
A discriminatory auction for the day-ahead electricity market: its effect on windfall profits
(2022-07-29)The main goal of the present Master Thesis is to analyze the Spanish elec- tricity day-ahead market from the design perspective, which like most European countries follows a uniform auction. Indeed, the price is set by the ... -
A multifaceted analysis of COVID-19 propagation in confined spaces: a techno-economic assessment of ventilation, heating, and renewables integration
(2021-06)The outbreak of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID19) has spread rapidly, affecting nearly all countries and territories around the globe, impacting every aspect of human life. Governments and various organizations ... -
A novel Edge Computing framework for automotive data processing
(2023-01-26)[EN]In recent decades, the mobile cellular communications market has seen much activity. Telecommunications operators are undergoing a digital transition to give users a real-time, on-demand experience. The fifth generation ... -
A review of Industry 4.0 potential to accelerate the transition to a Circular Economy
(2020-11-04)The actual model of consumption is challenging the planet capabilities to withstand the pressure generated from excess resource consumption. The continuous growth of population and the increment of the middle class in the ... -
A review of travel time estimation and forecasting for advanced traveler information systems
(2012-10-10)Providing on line travel time information to commuters has become an important issue for Advanced Traveler Information Systems and Route Guidance Systems in the past years, due to the increasing traffic volume and ... -
A Semantics-Aware Approach to Automated Claim Verification
(2023-07-03)The influence of fake news in the perception of reality has become a mainstream topic in the last years due to the fast propagation of miss-leading information, which has been enhanced by social media. To contribute to the ... -
A Study Towards Spanish Abstract Meaning Representation
(2017-06-27)Taking into account the increasing attention that researchers of Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and Natural Language Generation (NLG) are paying to Computational Semantics, we analyze the feasibility of annotating ... -
A tableau method for the realizability and synthesis of reactive safety specifications
(2022-12-23)Reactive systems are systems that continuously interact with the environment. In general, as they are critical systems, a failure or malfunction can result in serious consequences, such as loss of human lives or large ... -
A thermogravimetric and kinetic study on devolatization of woody biomass
(2016-12-21)Biomass is a promising energy resource for a more sustainable global energy outlook. Thermochemical conversion of biomass is a very attractive and important technology for energy generation and production of value-added ... -
A transversal pilot study of the sports nutrition awareness in basketball. From the academic to the elite
(2023-09-05)Despite the fact that nutrition represents an accessible recovery method for most basketball teams and players, it is usual to observe nutritional behaviour mistakes among them. It has been theorised that this behaviour ... -
A typological and areal approach to Konkani grammar
(2018-03-02)Goan Konkani or ISO 639-3 [gom] comprises all the dialects of the Konkani language except those that come under Maharashtrian Konkani. The purpose of this study is to analyse Goan Konkani grammar from a typological ... -
Accommodations deduplication
(2018-09-25)The problem to address is the accommodations deduplication. The deduplication is a special case of entity resolution (ER) consisting in grouping different representa- tions of the same entity, usually coming from different ...