Browsing Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Computacional y Sistemas Inteligentes by Author "Máster Universitario en Ingeniería Computacional y Sistemas Inteligentes"
Now showing items 1-20 of 28
A tableau method for the realizability and synthesis of reactive safety specifications
Alonso García, Ander (2022-12-23)Reactive systems are systems that continuously interact with the environment. In general, as they are critical systems, a failure or malfunction can result in serious consequences, such as loss of human lives or large ... -
An analysis of the relevance of temporal information in time series classification
Barrainkua Aguirre, Ainhize (2022-12-23)In recent years, the interest in time series has increased considerably due to the vast amount of such data collected in a variety of fields. Time series are a particular type of data: they are sets of ordered observations. ... -
Análisis del impacto del aprendizaje federado en entornos desbalanceados
Herrera Piñeiro, Mirai (2022-12-23)[ESP] Con este proyecto se ha querido estudiar sobre el aprendizaje federado (federated learning), un campo bastante reciente dentro del aprendizaje profundo (deep learning). Esta aproximación puede ser una apuesta muy ... -
Answering questions about images that require outside knowledge
Miranda Martija, Imanol (2024-07-09)[EN] The emergence of Transformer architectures, pretrained models and multimodal data problems have generated new challenges to solve. One of the most popular in recent years is the visual-linguistic task Visual Question ... -
Building hybrid classical-quantum classifiers to deal with unbalanced datasets
Lizarralde Imaz, Unai (2022-12-23)Quantum circuits offer a different approach to process data through quantum operations and measurements of quantum states. At the same time, the increasing number of advances in technology has opened a path to turning these ... -
Comparación entre modelos Shallow y Deep para la detección de anomalías
Rey Perea, Borja (2022-12-23)Este documento recoge el proceso seguido para la realización del Trabajo de Fin de Máster, el cual consiste en aprender diferentes modelos de One Class Classification para la clasificación de fallos del eje de una grúa. ... -
Desarrollo de una nueva herramienta para la composición musical mediante el uso de la voz
Aguirre Herrero, Javier (2022-12-23)Desarrollo de una nueva herramienta para la composición musical mediante el uso de la voz -
Development of artificial intelligence models for the enrichment and exploitation of geospatial data in the built environment
Batmunkh, Baterdene (2022-12-23)Geospatial data treatment is an important task since it is a big part of big data. Nowadays, geospatial data exploitation is lacking in terms of artificial intelligence. In this work, we focus on the usage of a machine ... -
Diskurtsoko koherentzia erlazioen iragarpenak euskararako BERT sare neuronal aurreentrenatua erabiliz
Angulo Arnaiz, Erik (2022-12-23)Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) teoriak testuak deskribatzeaz arduratzen da, koherentzia azalduz. Deskribapena zuhaitz eran antolatuta adierazten da, testua segmentuetan banatuta egonik. Segmentuak erlazioen bidez lotzen ... -
Early detection of Parkinson's disease based on non-motor symptoms
Martínez Eguiluz, Maitane (2022-12-23)... -
Evaluation and development of deep neural networks for super-resolution of microscopy and astrophysics images
Alonso Pérez, Pablo (2022-12-23)Due to physical constrains of an Electron Microscope, capturing high-resolution scans of a subject takes a very long time. On the other hand, running a Gravitational N-body simulation of hundreds of millions of particles, ... -
Evolutionary computation in hierarchical model discovery
Revillas Rojo, David (2022-12-23)Despite its continuous growth, probabilistic programming is still a great unknown among scientists, specially those whose research areas involve sampling dis- tributions, statistical modeling or statistical inference. ... -
GowFed: a novel federated intrusion detection system for IoT devices
Belenguer Rodríguez, Aitor (2022-12-23)[EN] Intrusion detection systems are evolving into intelligent systems that perform data analysis while searching for anomalies in their environment. The development of deep learning techinques paved the way to build more ... -
Information extraction from verbal autopsies
Cejudo Taramona, Ander (2022-12-23)Civil registration and vital statistics registers births and deaths and compiles statistics. These statistics are a key factor to promote public health policies, register longevity and the health of the population. Death ... -
Informazio espaziala aztertzen eredu multimodaletan
Atxa Landa, Eneko (2022-12-23)Lan honetan, irudiak eta testua prozesatzen dituzten transformer multimodalak aztertu dira, irudiak prozesatzeko garaian objektuen posizioa kodetzeko duten eran sakonduz. Ikerketa hori egiteko, objektuen posizioa kodetzeko ... -
Klepler-en ekuazioaren ebazpenerako algoritmo bektorizatuen optimizazioa Julia lenguaian
Ruiz de Azua Ruiz, Jon (2022-12-23)... -
Lithium-ion battery remaining useful life prediction
Larrarte Lizarralde, Beñat (2022-12-23)Lithium-Ion Battery Remaining Useful Life Prediction work consists of an initial approach to battery life prediction using Severson dataset and data-driven LSTM-based RUL predictive methods. Although the memory is ... -
Mejora de la efectividad de la clasificación en la plataforma WEKA en base al uso de métodos de remuestreo sobre la distribución de clases óptima
Arostegui Carrasco, Asier (2022-12-23)Los problemas de clasificación de bases de datos desbalanceadas constituyen un paradigma específico dentro del Machine Learning que ha sido ampliamente estudiado en los últimos años y que puede ser abordado desde distintos ... -
Mitigación autónoma de intrusiones en redes SDN utilizando agentes inteligentes basados en MuZero
Gabirondo López, Jon (2022-12-23)El paradigma de las redes definidas por software (SDN) permite desarrollar sistemas que monitorizan y controlan el tráfico de una red de forma centralizada, facilitando la implementación de sistemas basados en el aprendizaje ... -
Preprocesado y clasificación de imágenes médicas para el tratamiento SBRT
Muñoz Aseguinolaza, Unai (2022-12-23)En este proyecto de fin de máster se han desarrollado y estudiado herramientas para el preprocesado y clasificación de imágenes médicas para el tratamiento de Radiocirugía Estereotáctica (SBRT). La prevención y terapia ...