Examinar Artículos, Comunicaciones, Libros por departamento (cas.) "Didáctica de las Matemáticas, Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales"
Now showing items 1-20 of 102
A Bibliometric Study on Mathematics Anxiety in Primary Education
(MDPI, 2024-06-21)Mathematics anxiety, stemming from negative perceptions and feelings of tension among students, significantly impacts academic outcomes and attitudes at all ages, starting from Primary Education. Thus, this study aimed to ... -
A comparison of the effects of different methodologies on the statistics learning profiles of prospective primary education teachers from a gender perspective
(Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang, Indonesia., 2023-10-15)Over the last decades, it has been shown that teaching and learning statistics is complex, regardless of the teaching methodology. This research presents the different learning profiles identified in a group of future ... -
A reduced SNP panel to trace gene flow across southern European wolf populations and detect hybridization with other Canis taxa
(Nature Research, 2022-03)[EN] Intra- and inter-specific gene flow are natural evolutionary processes. However, human-induced hybridization is a global conservation concern across taxa, and the development of discriminant genetic markers to ... -
A three-pronged method to analyse pre-service teachers’ understanding and epistemic reasoning about soil
(Taylor & Francis, 2023-12-14)Pre-service teachers’ mental models of the nature of soil were investigated in a sample of 181 students from four different Spanish universities, using three different methodological approaches: a phenomenographic ... -
Alfabetización computacional en educación infantil: Dificultades y beneficios en el aula de 3 años
(Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, 2022-05)Objetivo. En este trabajo se analiza el tipo de dificultades y argumentación que muestran las niñas y niños de tres años, frente a tareas relacionadas con la programación y la robótica educativa en ... -
Análisis de la comprensión y razonamiento epistémico de los estudiantes sobre los equilibrios de solubilidad
(Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona, 2023-01)Los equilibrios de solubilidad constituyen un contenido esencial del currículum educativo de química introductoria. Para detectar las dificultades de aprendizaje del alumnado respecto a la forma en que se alcanza dicho ... -
Análisis de la idoneidad didáctica de un proyecto de estadística diseñado e implementado en un contexto en riesgo de exclusión social
(Sociedad Española de Investigación en Educación Matemática, 2020-10-31)La educación estadística debe responder al reto de cómo fomentar un pensamiento crítico en el alumnado. Este reto se singulariza en contextos en riesgo de exclusión social, por lo que convienen estudios que evalúen la ... -
Apps, educación y patrimonio en México. Análisis de situación y estudio comparativo con el caso español
(Universidad de Oviedo, 2020-01)Este trabajo analiza desde un punto de vista educativo la oferta de apps en torno al patrimonio mexicano. Tras realizar una pequeña revisión de la situación del patrimonio en México y de la implementación de tecnologías ... -
El aprendizaje de la estadística a través de PBL con futuros profesores de primaria.
(Universidad de la Rioja, 2016-03-22)Los contenidos estadísticos son un bloque fundamental de los currículos educativos que resultan indispensables en la toma de decisiones y, por tanto, ayudan en gran medida a desarrollar las competencias ... -
Are Future Teachers Involved in Contributing to and Promoting the Reduction of Massive Waste Generation?
(MDPI, 2024-09-03)Massive waste generation linked to overconsumption is considered one of the most significant socio-ecological issues today, becoming a challenge for health and well-being and a barrier to achieving sustainability. Education ... -
Assessing the effect of alternative land uses in the provision of water resources: Evidence and policy implications from southern Europe
(Elsevier, 2012-10-01)Ecosystem goods and services have been brought to the forefront of policy making all over the world. It is acknowledged that these goods and services underpin human well-being. The provision of water resources is amongst ... -
Attitudes of secondary school students towards Geology in Spain
(Taylor & Francis, 2020-12-07)Background: The importance of attitudes in learning is gaining relevance among researchers and teachers and yet little research has examined students’ attitudes specifically in relation to geology. Purpose: The aim of ... -
Augmented Reality in Heritage Apps: Current Trends in Europe
(MDPI, 2019-07-08)Although augmented reality (AR) has come to play an increasingly important role in a wide range of areas, its use remains rather limited in the realm of heritage education. This paper sets out to analyze which heritage-related ... -
Bizikidetza eta kulturartekotasunaren sustapena eskolan World Café-aren bidez
(UEU, 2024-10)Hezkuntzaren erronka nagusietako bat eskola-komunitatean bizikidetza erreala eta kultura ezberdinen arteko truke positiboa sustatzea da, aniztasuna aberastasun bihurtuz. Ikerketa honetan, Gasteizko eskola publiko bateko ... -
Los bosques del País Vasco y el cambio climático
(Cátedra UNESCO sobre Desarrollo Sostenible y Educación Ambiental (UPV/EHU), 2011)Los socio-ecosistemas forestales vascos tienen un elevado potencial para garantizar el mantenimiento de las funciones y servicios de sus ecosistemas, y por lo tanto, para ayudar en la mitigación del cambio climático y ... -
Branches of Plant Blindness and their relationship with biodiversity conceptualisation among secondary students
(Taylor & Francis, 2021-06-15)Although citizenship’s literacy in biodiversity is a promising way of confronting its loss, the unawareness about this topic is generalised particularly regarding plants. The latter phenomenon, named Plant Blindness (PB), ... -
Categorisation of the interventions of facilitating tutors on PBL and their relationship with students' response
(Fecyt, 2018-10)The modular structure of the Primary Education Degree in which the work has been done implies developing an Interdisciplinary Module Task (IMT) shared by the different courses in each semester. In our case, Problem Based ... -
Chatbot-erabilera ahozko konpetentzia lantzeko unibertsitateko Zientzia-ikasleen artean: M-Learning-etako aplikazio praktikoa
(Facultad de Educación de Bilbao. Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), 2018-06-30)Informazioaren eta Komunikazioaren Teknologien (IKT) erabilera asko handitu da XX. mendeko azken hamarkadatik gaur arte. IKT-en iraultza honek inpaktu handia izan du gure bizitzaren alderdi guztietan, baita ikaskuntza-irakaskuntza ... -
Children’s Drawing of Plant Life in the Time of COVID-19: An Analysis of the Changes Related to Content and Colour over a Two-Year Period
(MDPI, 2022)[EN] This study analyses the depictions that a sample of young children completed to express their knowledge of plant life at two different times, two years apart. The pictorial content is examined by the complexity of the ... -
Common and threatened animal identification and conservation preferences among 6 to 12 year-old students
(Taylor & Francis, 2023-07-07)Biodiversity loss is one of the biggest environmental issues in the world today and the biodiversity literacy of citizens can be key to counteracting this. Considering that children can be change agents and actively take ...