Although augmented reality (AR) has come to play an increasingly important role in a wide
range of areas, its use remains rather limited in the realm of heritage education. This paper sets out to
analyze which heritage-related apps can be found in Europe that partly or wholly use AR as a tool to
help users learn about di erent types of heritage. Our study only identified a limited number of such
apps and we used this sample both to paint a portrait of the current state of the question and also to
highlight certain observable trends. The results showed that most such apps used AR to reconstruct
spaces and buildings, and to a lesser extent, objects. Many of these apps used an academic mode of
communication to provide a temporal perspective of monumental and (mainly) historical heritage.
The paper also outlines future lines of research dedicated to finding more apps that could be used to
increase the current sample size. This would allow for a more comprehensive assessment of such
apps from an educational point of view. Several case studies are pro ered in order to highlight the
keys to successful use of AR in heritage apps.