Now showing items 1-20 of 210

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      A cross-linguistic study of emphatic negative coordination 

      Salaberri Izko, Iker (John Benjamins, 2021-12-09)
      The purpose of this paper is to provide a detailed cross-linguistic analysis of so-called emphatic negative coordination (enc). This kind of clause linkage is illustrated by neither and nor in She neither could nor would ...
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      A descriptive analysis of Basque hypocoristics 

      Salaberri Zaratiegi, Patxi; Salaberri Izko, Iker (Nafarroako Gobernua / Gobierno de Navarra, 2014-06-30)
      This paper aims at providing a description of the means available nowadays for hypocoristization in Basque, although it is not our intention to limit our investigation to present-day pet names. We have considered it relevant ...
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      A history of the Basque prosodic systems 

      Egurtzegi, Ander; Elordieta Alcibar, Gorka (John Benjamins, 2023-02)
      This paper presents new proposals for the reconstruction of Proto-Basque accentuation, as well as the development and chronology of the main accentual systems of the modern dialects, grounded in phonetic, historical and ...
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      A. Kardaberaz eta J. A. Mogel: literatur bizkaieraren lehen uneak testuen argitan 

      Salaberri Muñoa, Patxi ORCID (Euskalerriaren Adiskideen Elkartea, 2004)
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      "ABC, edo Christinoen instructionea" (1571) 

      Salaberri Muñoa, Patxi ORCID (Euskalerriaren Adiskideen Elkartea, 2010)
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      Accounting for the preference for literal meanings in autism spectrum conditions 

      Vicente Benito, Agustín ORCID; Falkum, Ingrid Lossius (Wiley, 2023-02)
      Pragmatic difficulties are considered a hallmark of autism spectrum conditions (ASC), but remain poorly understood. We discuss and evaluate existing hypotheses regarding the literalism of ASC individuals, that is, their ...
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      Adaptaciones en euskera del Lazarillo en LIJ: de didactismo, ideología y censura 

      Ibarluzea Santisteban, Miren; Elizalde Estenaga, Amaia ORCID (Universidad de Vigo, 2020)
      [ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las adaptaciones para el público infantil y juvenil del Lazarillo de Tormes realizadas a partir de la década de los 80 en el ámbito cultural de la lengua vasca. Se trata de ...
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      “Aditz bakarraren” teoria XIX. mendeko euskal gramatikagintzan 

      Gómez López, Ricardo ORCID (Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia & UPV/EHUren Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2006)
      [EN] In this paper I try to explain how the so called "theory of the only verb" was formulated and used by several Basque grammarians in the 19th century. That theory was first coined by the authors of the Grammaire génerale ...
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      Afasia euskaraz aztertzeko tresna berria bidean: CAT testaren egokitzapenaren gakoak eta estandarizaziorako urratsak 

      Pourquié, Marie; Munarriz Ibarrola, Amaia (EUE, 2018-12-01)
      Afasiaren inguruko ikerketan eta tratamenduan ezinbestekoa da munduko hizkuntza-aniztasuna kontuan hartzea; izan ere, hizkuntzen ezaugarri gramatikalek afasian agertzen diren sintomak baldintzatzen dituzte. Bestalde, ...
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      Agents Strongly Preferred: ERP Evidence from Natives and Non-Natives Processing Intransitive Sentences in Spanish 

      Zawiszewski, Adam; Martínez de la Hidalga Malla, Gillen ORCID; Laka Mugarza, Itziar ORCID (MDPI, 2022)
      Are non-native speakers able to process their second language in a native-like way? The present study used the Event-Related Potentials’ (ERPs) method to address this issue by focusing (1) on agent vs. agentless intransitive ...
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      Ahozko narratibotasuna interakzionismoaren argitara: kohesio mekanismoek esaten digutena 

      García Azkoaga, Inés María ORCID; Diaz de Gereñu Lasaga, Leire (Euskaltzaindia, 2009)
      Euskarazko kontalaritza garaikideko bi adituk jendaurrean egindako konta-saio biren az-terketa egiten da lan honetan. kohesioa hizpide hartu eta testuaren alderdi honek narra-tibotasunean duen eragina azaltzen dugu elkarren ...
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      Aipamen klasikoak Axularren “Gero” liburuan 

      Salaberri Muñoa, Patxi ORCID (Euskaltzaindia (, 1998)
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      Aldaera sintaktikoak aditzaren fokalizazioan 

      Elordieta Alcibar, Arantzazu ORCID (IKER UMR 5478, 2009)
      [EU] Lan honetan aditza fokalizatu nahi dugunean euskararen zenbait aldaerak erakusten dituzten bi estrategia sintaktiko aztertuko ditugu: (1) aditz (trinko)aren bikoizketa eta (2) egin aditz betegarriaren txertatzea. ...
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      Ama itzultzailea memorien transmisio-bideetan: Martutene eleberriaren irakurketa bat 

      Ibarluzea Santisteban, Miren; Arroita Azkarate, Izaro (Nafarroako Gobernua, 2020)
      [EU]Saizarbitoriaren Martutene (2012) eleberriko Julia protagonistaren bitartekaritza-rola dugu aztergai. Itzultzailea da, eta Martin bikotekide idazleari eta haren testuari leial izan beharrez sortzen zaizkion kezkei ...
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      Anomaly detection in the processing of complex syntax by early L2 learners 

      Stepanov, Artur; Andreetta, Sara; Stateva, Penka; Zawiszewski, Adam; Laka Mugarza, Itziar (SAGE, 2019-02-21)
      This study investigates the processing of long-distance syntactic dependencies by native speakers of Slovenian (L1) who are advanced learners of Italian as a second language (L2), compared with monolingual Italian speakers. ...
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      La aportación de W. von Humboldt a la gramática vasca 

      Gómez López, Ricardo ORCID (Eusko Ikaskuntza - Sociedad de Estudios Vascos, 1996)
      [EN] The aim of this paper is to introduce the main contributions of Humboldt to the study of the Basque grammar. His methodological innovations and the influence he had on european linguists are pointed out, the grammatical ...
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      Aramaioko hizkuntz ondareaz 

      Salaberri Muñoa, Patxi ORCID (Euskaltzaindia (, 1995)
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      La argumentación 

      García Azkoaga, Inés María ORCID (Sociedad de Estudios Vascos, Eusko Ikaskuntza, 1999)
      [ES] Reseña bibliográfica de la obra La argumentación, traducción de la edición francesa: L´Argumentation, de Christian Plantin en la que el autor ofrece una panorámica de cuál ha sido la evolución de las principales ...
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      Astarloaren Discursos filosóficos: iturrak eta axiomak 

      Gómez López, Ricardo ORCID (IKER UMR 5478, 2004)
      Astarloa's Discursos filosóficos is the most extensive and detailed apology of the Basque language as the first language of mankind. The text was finished in 1805 but the first edition was published in 1883. In this paper ...
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      Astarloaren ekarpena euskal gramatikaren ikerketetan 

      Gómez López, Ricardo ORCID (Euskaltzaindia, 2002)
      [EN] This paper explores a lesser-known aspect of Basque linguist Pablo Astarloa, namely, his contribution as grammarian. Astarloa is better known for his hypothesis that Basque language was humankind’s first language and, ...