Now showing items 25-28 of 53

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      Supported degree: a new network measure 

      Serebriakov, Ivan (2021)
      Since interaction between people exists at all levels of human activity, understanding how the patterns of interactions shape behavior and performance of network members is a key question across social sciences. This ...
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      Geometry of Diffusion: structure of connectivity and systemic risk in financial networks. 

      Clavero Jover, Ion Cernin (2021)
      Ever since the 2008 global financial crises, both scholars and practitioners have argued that the interconnectivity of financial and banking networks is a key determinant of global systemic risk. Employing a simple diffusion ...
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      Estimation of costs and benefits of debris mitigation 

      Boukabouy, Chaimaa (2021)
      Space debris is an ever escalating problem that is increasing the orbital scarcity and threatening its sustainability. In this document, we present a model for the market of satellite services where firms’ activity imposes ...
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      Gender gap in the energy sector. Evidence from Spain 

      Ewa Mlodawska, Agata (2021)
      The energy transition is at the heart of the current energy debate and its social dimension is becoming more relevant in the latest policy developments. This Master Thesis aims to develop the research on one of the ...