One-dimensional flat bands in twisted bilayer germanium selenide
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Kennes, Dante M.
Xian, Lede
Claassen, Martin
Rubio Secades, Angel
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Nature Communications 11(1) : (2020) // Article ID 1124
Experimental advances in the fabrication and characterization of few-layer materials stacked at a relative twist of small angle have recently shown the emergence of flat energy bands. As a consequence electron interactions become relevant, providing inroads into the physics of strongly correlated two-dimensional systems. Here, we demonstrate by combining large scale ab initio simulations with numerically exact strong correlation approaches that an effective one-dimensional system emerges upon stacking two twisted sheets of GeSe, in marked contrast to all moire systems studied so far. This not only allows to study the necessarily collective nature of excitations in one dimension, but can also serve as a promising platform to scrutinize the crossover from two to one dimension in a controlled setup by varying the twist angle, which provides an intriguing benchmark with respect to theory. We thus establish twisted bilayer GeSe as an intriguing inroad into the strongly correlated physics of lowdimensional systems. Twisting the relative orientation of the sheets in few-layer van der Waals materials can cause drastic changes in the electronic bandstructure. Here, the authors predict that twisted bilayer GeSe realises an effective one-dimensional flat-band electronic system with exotic, strongly correlated behaviour.