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dc.contributor.authorFellows Yates, James A.
dc.contributor.authorVelsko, Irina M.
dc.contributor.authorAron, Franziska
dc.contributor.authorPosth, Cosimo
dc.contributor.authorHofman, Courtney A.
dc.contributor.authorAustin, Rita M.
dc.contributor.authorParker, Cody E.
dc.contributor.authorMann, Allison E.
dc.contributor.authorNagele, Kathrin
dc.contributor.authorWeedman Arthur, Kathryn
dc.contributor.authorArthur, John W.
dc.contributor.authorBauer, Catherine C.
dc.contributor.authorCrevecoeur, Isabelle
dc.contributor.authorCupillard, Christophe
dc.contributor.authorCurtis, Matthew C.
dc.contributor.authorDalen, Love
dc.contributor.authorDíaz-Zorita Bonilla, Marta
dc.contributor.authorDíez Fernández-Lomana, Carlos
dc.contributor.authorDrucker, Dorothee G.
dc.contributor.authorEscribano Escrivá, Elena
dc.contributor.authorFrancken, Michael
dc.contributor.authorGibbon, Victoria E.
dc.contributor.authorGonzález Morales, Manuel Ramón
dc.contributor.authorGrande Mateu, Ana
dc.contributor.authorHarvati, Katerina
dc.contributor.authorHenry, Amanda G.
dc.contributor.authorHumphrey, Louise
dc.contributor.authorMenéndez, Mario
dc.contributor.authorMihailović, Dušan
dc.contributor.authorPeresani, Marco
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez Moroder, Sofía
dc.contributor.authorRoksandic, Mirjana
dc.contributor.authorRougier, Helene
dc.contributor.authorSázelová, Sandra
dc.contributor.authorStock, Jay T.
dc.contributor.authorStraus, Lawrence Guy
dc.contributor.authorSvoboda, Jirí
dc.contributor.authorTessmann, Barbara
dc.contributor.authorWalker, Michael J.
dc.contributor.authorPower, Robert C.
dc.contributor.authorLewis, Cecil M.
dc.contributor.authorSankaranarayanan, Krithivasan
dc.contributor.authorGuschanski, Katerina
dc.contributor.authorWrangham, Richard W.
dc.contributor.authorDewhirst, Floyd E.
dc.contributor.authorSalazar García, Domingo Carlos ORCID
dc.contributor.authorKrause, Johannes
dc.contributor.authorHerbig, Alexander
dc.contributor.authorWarinner, Christina
dc.identifier.citationProceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 118(20) : (2021) // Article ID e2021655118es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe oral microbiome plays key roles in human biology, health, and disease, but little is known about the global diversity, variation, or evolution of this microbial community. To better understand the evolution and changing ecology of the human oral microbiome, we analyzed 124 dental biofilm metagenomes from humans, including Neanderthals and Late Pleistocene to present-day modern humans, chimpanzees, and gorillas, as well as New World howler monkeys for comparison. We find that a core microbiome of primarily biofilm structural taxa has been maintained throughout African hominid evolution, and these microbial groups are also shared with howler monkeys, suggesting that they have been important oral members since before the catarrhine-platyrrhine split ca. 40 Mya. However, community structure and individual microbial phylogenies do not closely reflect host relationships, and the dental biofilms of Homo and chimpanzees are distinguished by major taxonomic and functional differences. Reconstructing oral metagenomes from up to 100 thousand years ago, we show that the microbial profiles of both Neanderthals and modern humans are highly similar, sharing functional adaptations in nutrient metabolism. These include an apparent Homo-specific acquisition of salivary amylase-binding capability by oral streptococci, suggesting microbial coadaptation with host diet. We additionally find evidence of shared genetic diversity in the oral bacteria of Neanderthal and Upper Paleolithic modern humans that is not observed in later modern human populations. Differences in the oral microbiomes of African hominids provide insights into human evolution, the ancestral state of the human microbiome, and a temporal framework for understanding microbial health and disease.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis project was funded by grants from the US National Science Foundation (NSF) (BSC-1516633 to C.W. and C.M.L.; BSC-1027607 to K.W.A, M.C.C., and J.W.A.; SBR-0416125 to R.W.W.), the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) (2R01 GM089886 to C.M.L., C.W., and K.S.; R37DE016937 and R01DE024468 to F.E.D.), the European Research Council (ERC) (ERC-STG 677576 "HARVEST" to A.G.H.; ERC-CG 617627 "ADaPt" to J.T.S.), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG FOR 2237 to K.H.; EXC 2051-390713860 to C.W.), the National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF 115257 and 12081 to V.E.G.), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (RGPIN-2017-04702 and RGPIN-2019-04113 to M.R.), Czech National Institutional Support (RVO 68081758 to S.S.), the Ministry of Culture and Information and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia (177023 to D.M.), Junta de Castilla y Leon (BU028A09 to J.C.D.F-L.), the Swedish Research Council Formas (201600835 and 2019-00275 to K.G.), the University of South Florida, the University of Oklahoma, the Werner Siemens Foundation (Paleobiotechnology to C.W.), and the Max Planck Society.es_ES
dc.publisherNational Academy of Scienceses_ES
dc.subjectdental calculuses_ES
dc.subjectsalivary amylasees_ES
dc.subjectsalivary alpha-amylasees_ES
dc.subjectgenomes suggestes_ES
dc.subjectgut microbiomees_ES
dc.subjectdental plaquees_ES
dc.titleThe Evolution and Changing Ecology of the African Hominid Oral Microbiomees_ES
dc.rights.holderThis open access article is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND)es_ES
dc.rights.holderAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España*
dc.contributor.funderEuropean Commission
dc.departamentoesGeografía, prehistoria y arqueologíaes_ES
dc.departamentoeuGeografia,historiaurrea eta arkeologiaes_ES

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