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dc.contributor.authorIsasi Liñero, Iraia
dc.contributor.authorIrusta Zarandona, Unai
dc.contributor.authorElola Artano, Andoni
dc.contributor.authorAramendi Ecenarro, Elisabete
dc.contributor.authorAyala Fernández, Unai
dc.contributor.authorAlonso, Erik ORCID
dc.contributor.authorKramer-Johansen, Jo
dc.contributor.authorEftestøl, Trygve
dc.identifier.citationIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 66(6) : 1752-1760 (2019)es_ES
dc.description.abstractGoal: Accurate shock decision methods during piston-driven cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) would contribute to improve therapy and increase cardiac arrest survival rates. The best current methods are computationally demanding, and their accuracy could be improved. The objective of this work was to introduce a computationally efficient algorithm for shock decision during piston-driven CPR with increased accuracy. Methods: The study dataset contains 201 shockable and 844 nonshockable ECG segments from 230 cardiac arrest patients treated with the LUCAS-2 mechanical CPR device. Compression artifacts were removed using the state-of-the-art adaptive filters, and shock/no-shock discrimination features were extracted from the stationary wavelet transform analysis of the filtered ECG, and fed to a support vector machine (SVM) classifier. Quasi-stratified patient wise nested cross-validation was used for feature selection and SVM hyperparameter optimization. The procedure was repeated 50 times to statistically characterize the results. Results: Best results were obtained for a six-feature classifier with mean (standard deviation) sensitivity, specificity, and total accuracy of 97.5 (0.4), 98.2 (0.4), and 98.1 (0.3), respectively. The algorithm presented a five-fold reduction in computational demands when compared to the best available methods, while improving their balanced accuracy by 3 points. Conclusions: The accuracy of the best available methods was improved while drastically reducing the computational demands. Significance: An efficient and accurate method for shock decisions during mechanical CPR is now available to improve therapy and contribute to increase cardiac arrest survival.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad jointly with the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) under the project TEC2015-64678-R, in part by UPV/EHU under Grant GIU17/031 and in part by the Basque Government under Grants PRE_2017_2_0137 and PRE_2017_1_0112
dc.subjectsupport vector machine (SVM)es_ES
dc.subjectmachine learninges_ES
dc.subjectstationary wavelet transform (SWT)es_ES
dc.subjectcardiac arrestes_ES
dc.subjectcardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)es_ES
dc.subjectelectrocardiogram (ECG)es_ES
dc.subjectmechanical chest compressionses_ES
dc.subjectpiston-driven compressionses_ES
dc.subjectshock decision algorithmes_ES
dc.titleA Machine Learning Shock Decision Algorithm for Use During Piston-Driven Chest Compressionses_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2018 IEEEes_ES
dc.departamentoesIngeniería de comunicacioneses_ES
dc.departamentoesMatemática aplicadaes_ES
dc.departamentoeuKomunikazioen ingeniaritzaes_ES
dc.departamentoeuMatematika aplikatuaes_ES

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