Browsing Trabajos Académicos-Facultad de Letras by Title
Now showing items 938-957 of 1082
Task-Based Language Teaching: the effects of pre-task explicit instruction on a focused task in oral performances
(2023-04-17)This study investigates the influence of pre-task explicit instruction on the performance of a focused task. 14 EFL learners were assigned to two treatment conditions: Explicit Instruction + Task (EI) and Task-Only. Both ... -
Teacher motivation and demotivation in foreign language learning classrooms
(2022-03-08)Although insufficient importance has been given to teacher motivation in the literature, there has recently been a growing interest in and recognition of it. This paper aims to define motivation and demotivation in teachers ... -
Teaching Grammar to EFL students: A combinatory task-based and focus on form approach
This TFG proposes a combinatory approach of task-based and focus on form methodologies for the teaching of grammar to EFL learners. Acknowledging the controversy around it in the field (mainly due to views on the definition ... -
Teaching the pronunciation of English through Project-Based Language Learning to Spanish learners of EFL
With the implementation of bilingualism and trilingualism in the Spanish educative system, English has become the most taught foreign language in Spanish schools. However, the teaching of its pronunciation is not given the ... -
Teatro Dada: "Le Coeur à gaz" de Tristan Tzara: traducción y análisis traductológico en distintas combinaciones lingüísticas
(2020-05-25)El presente trabajo se centra en la traducción de una obra de teatro dadaísta escrita en francés que no ha sido traducida al español para que pueda ser representada. Además, este estudio pretende acercarse a la metodología ... -
Teatro español del Siglo de Oro. La métrica como recurso estructurador en el teatro de Lope de Vega. Análisis de "El perro del hortelano"
(2018-12-04)En el presente trabajo se llevará a cabo una propuesta de segmentación métrica de El perro del hortelano de Lope de Vega, para tratar de dilucidar cómo el recurso métrico dota, o no, de coherencia y estructura a la obra, ... -
Teatro y pintura barrocos en el Salón de Reinos del Palacio del Buen Retiro
Resulta tentador e interesante imaginarse el coliseo del Palacio del Buen Retiro en plena representación de una comedia con la Corte presente y, sin ninguna duda, el monarca Felipe IV disfrutando del espectáculo. La ... -
Teatro y traducción (inglés-español). Análisis comparativo de traducciones comerciales. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
(2015-09-25)El presente trabajo se centra en un análisis comparativo en varios niveles de las traducciones producidas a partir de la obra teatral Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Albee 1962): las de Marcelo De Ridder, José Méndez y ... -
Technology, Power and Ignorance: The sources of corruption in J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
(2018-12-04)Since the first Industrial Revolution and up to our current days, there has been an exponential growth in the power of technology over nature and over humanity. Simultaneously, the concern about the negative impact that ... -
Temas de literatura rusa: Radíshchev y Viaje de Petersburgo a Moscú
(2018-12-04)El presente trabajo es el resultado del análisis de la obra rusa Viaje de Petersburgo a Moscú de A. N. Radíshchev (1792). Es un análisis tanto literario como temático, en el que se hace hincapié en la importancia social ... -
Temas de morfología rusa. En la penumbra del sistema: un análisis de los casos secundarios en ruso actual
(2017-05-03)El presente trabajo versa sobre el concepto de caso y el número de valores de caso en ruso. El objetivo es, por un lado, analizar cinco casos secundarios en el ruso actual (segundo locativo, segundo genitivo, adnumerativo, ... -
Terentzioren "Eunuchus" (1-548) antzezlanaren euskarazko itzulpena eta oharrak
(2020-11-24)Gradu Amaierako Lan honetan Terentzioren Eunuchus (1-548) antzezlanaren itzulpena eta oharrak ageri dira. Horrez gain, itzulpen-prozesuan zehar sortutako zenbait arazori buruz ere jardungo dut. -
Testuartekotasun baliabideak Saizarbitoriaren "Martutene"-n
(2020-05-25)Lan honen helburua Ramon Saizarbitoriaren Martutene eleberriko harreman intertestualak ikertzea da. Saizarbitoriaren bigarren idazketa aldiko lanetan testuartekotasunak duen garrantzia aintzat izanik, Martutene bezalako ... -
The portuguese overseas expansion (1415-1825)
(2022-03-08)The Portuguese Empire was one of the most successful European empires of history. Stretching all the way from Brazil, to Macao; it had territories in every continent in the world. Portugal’s discoveries opened the world ... -
The 2016 presidential candidates and their discourse: a reflection of a XXI century cultural and ideological conflict in the United States
(2017-11-24)The recent result of the 2016 presidential election in the United States of America has left many of the nation’s experts at a loss for words, immediately following the announcement of the results, professionals from various ... -
The acquisition of complex wh-questions in L2
The main goal of this paper is to review how complex wh-questions are acquired in the process of learning a second language (L2). Adopting a generative perspective, the paper will consider experimental studies that have ... -
The acquisition of morphosyntax by children with Down syndrome
(2020-11-24)Down syndrome is one of the most common genetic disorders associated with intellectual disability and with cognitive delays that have clear implications for language learning, especially for the acquisition of morphosyntax. ... -
The Arrival and Development of the English Language in India
(2020-05-25)It is widely accepted that the English language is the most important international language in the world. It is because of its importance that there has been a worldwide spread of English. Due to the spread of English, ... -
The Classical Hero’s Journey in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
(2017-11-24)Although several academic studies have extensively analyzed J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, there might not be many studies examining the traits of the classical hero’s journey in this specific ...