When the end matters: influence of gender cues during agreement computation in bilinguals
Caffarra, Sendy
Barber, Horacio
Molinaro, Nicola
Carreiras, Manuel
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Sendy Caffarra, Horacio Barber, Nicola Molinaro & Manuel Carreiras (2017) When the end matters: influence of gender cues during agreement computation in bilinguals, Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 32:9, 1069-1085, DOI: 10.1080/23273798.2017.1283426
The present event-related potential (ERP) study was aimed at testing whether form-function
mappings can differently affect sentence comprehension in early bilinguals with a range of
linguistic profiles. Basque–Spanish and Spanish–Basque early bilinguals were presented with
Spanish sentences with article-noun gender agreement violations. The gender of the target noun
could be retrieved based on the word-form (i.e. transparent nouns) or only on a lexical
representation (i.e. opaque nouns). While Basque-dominant bilinguals showed an impact of
gender-to-ending consistency on agreement computation, Spanish-dominant bilinguals’
agreement processing was not affected by form-function mappings. A multiple regression
analysis on early ERP responses from all participants showed that the more Spanish was
produced on a daily basis, the easier the detection of gender violation for opaque nouns. The
present results suggest that the strength of the lexical representation of gender is not fixed and
can change depending on the linguistic habits of early bilinguals.