Now showing items 1-20 of 705

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      A comparison of homonym meaning frequency estimates derived from movie and television subtitles, free association, and explicit ratings 

      Rice, Caitlin A.; Beekhuizen, Barend; Dubrovsky, Vladimir; Stevenson, Suzanne; Armstrong, Blair C. (Behavior Research Methods, 2019)
      Most words are ambiguous, with interpretation dependent on context. Advancing theories of ambiguity resolution is important for any general theory of language processing, and for resolving inconsistencies in observed ...
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      A deconvolution algorithm for multi-echo functional MRI: Multi-echo Sparse Paradigm Free Mapping 

      Caballero Gaudes, César; Moia, Stefano; Panwar, Puja; Bandettini, Peter A.; Gonzalez-Castillo, Javier (NeuroImage, 2019)
      This work introduces a novel algorithm for deconvolution of the BOLD signal in multi-echo fMRI data: Multi-echo Sparse Paradigm Free Mapping (ME-SPFM). Assuming a linear dependence of the BOLD percent signal change on the ...
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      Uruñuela, Eneko; Moia, Stefano; Caballero-Gaudes, César (IEEE, 2021)
      Current deconvolution algorithms for functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data are hindered by widespread signal changes arising from motion or physiological processes (e.g. deep breaths) that can be interpreted ...
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      A novel cognitive neurosurgery approach for supramaximal resection of non-dominant precuneal gliomas: A case report 

      Bermúdez, Garazi; Quiñones, Ileana; Carrasco, Alejandro; Gil-Robles, Santiago; Amoruso, Lucia; Mandonnet, Emmanel; Carreiras, Manuel; Catalán, Gregorio; Pomposo, Iñigo (SPRINGER, 2023)
      Despite mounting evidence pointing to the contrary, classical neurosurgery presumes many cerebral regions are non-eloquent, and therefore, their excision is possible and safe. This is the case of the precuneus and posterior ...
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      A Novel Framework for Unconscious Processing 

      Soto, David ORCID; Sheikh, Usman Ayub; Rosenthal, Clive R. (Trends in Cognitive Sciences,, 2019)
      Understanding the distinction between conscious and unconscious cognition remains a priority in psychology and neuroscience. A comprehensive neurocognitive account of conscious awareness will not be possible without a ...
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      A practical modification to a resting state fMRI protocol for improved characterization of cerebrovascular function 

      Stickland, Rachael C.; Zvolanek, Kristina M.; Moia, Stefano; Ayyagari, Apoorva; Caballero-Gaudes, César; Bright, Molly G. (NeuroImage, 2021)
      Cerebrovascular reactivity (CVR), defined here as the Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) response to a CO 2 pressure change, is a useful metric of cerebrovascular function. Both the amplitude and the timing (hemo- ...
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      A probabilistic atlas of the human thalamic nuclei combining ex vivo MRI and histology 

      Iglesias, Juan Eugenio; Insausti, Ricardo; Lerma-Usabiaga, Garikoitz; Bocchetta, Martina; Van Leemput, Koen; Greve, Douglas N.; Van der Kouwe, Andre; the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative; Fischl, Bruce; Caballero Gaudes, César; Paz-Alonso, Pedro M. (NeuroImage, 2018)
      The human thalamus is a brain structure that comprises numerous, highly specific nuclei. Since these nuclei are known to have different functions and to be connected to different areas of the cerebral cortex, it is of great ...
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      A short-form version of the Australian English Communicative Development Inventory 

      Jones, Caroline; Kalashnikova, Marina; Khamchuang, Chantelle; Best, Catherine T.; Bowcock, Erin; Dwyer, Anne; Hammond, Hollie; Hendy, Caroline; Jones, Kate; Kaplun, Catherine; Kemp, Lynn; Lam-Cassettari, Christa; Li, Weicong; Mattock, Karen; Odemis, Suzan; Short, Kate (Taylor & Francis, 2022)
      Purpose: The Australian English Communicative Development Inventory (OZI) is a 558-item parent report tool for assessing language development at 12–30 months. Here, we introduce the short form (OZI-SF), a 100-item, ...
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      A Statistically Representative Atlas for Mapping Neuronal Circuits in the Drosophila Adult Brain 

      Arganda Carreras, Ignacio; Manoliu, Tudor; Mazuras, Nicolas; Schulze, Florian; Iglesias, Juan E.; Bühler, Katja; Jenett, Arnim; Rouyer, François; Andrey, Philippe (Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 2018)
      Imaging the expression patterns of reporter constructs is a powerful tool to dissect the neuronal circuits of perception and behavior in the adult brain of Drosophila, one of the major models for studying brain functions. ...
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      A Translational Framework of Educational Neuroscience in Learning Disorders 

      Dresler, Thomas; Bugden, Stephanie; Gouet, Camilo; Lallier, Marie; G. Oliveira, Darlene; Pinheiro-Chagas, Pedro; Pires, Ana C.; Wang, Yunqi; Zugarramurdi, Camila; Weissheimer, Janaina (Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 2018)
      Neuroimaging has undergone enormous progress during the last two and a half decades. The combination of neuroscientific methods and educational practice has become a focus of interdisciplinary research in order to answer ...
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      A validation framework for neuroimaging software: The case of population receptive fields 

      Lerma-Usabiaga, Garikoitz; Benson, Noah; Winawer, Jonathan; Wandell, Brian A. (PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 2020)
      Neuroimaging software methods are complex, making it a near certainty that some implementations will contain errors. Modern computational techniques (i.e., public code and data repositories, continuous integration, ...
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      Abnormal brain activation during speech perception and production in children and adults with reading difficulty 

      Fu, Yang; Yan, Xiaohui; Mao, Jiaqi; Su, Haibin; Cao, Fan (SPRINGER NATURE, 2024)
      Reading difficulty (RD) is associated with phonological deficits; however, it remains unknown whether the phonological deficits are different in children and adults with RD as reflected in foreign speech perception and ...
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      Abnormal pattern of brain glucose metabolism in Parkinson’s disease: replication in three European cohorts 

      Meles, Sanne K.; Renken, Remco J.; Pagani, Marco; Teune, L.K.; Arnaldi, Dario; Morbelli, Silvia; Nobili, Flavio; Van Laar, Teus; Obeso, Jose A.; Rodríguez-Oroz, María C.; Leenders, Klaus L. (European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, 2020)
      Rationale In Parkinson’s disease (PD), spatial covariance analysis of 18F-FDG PET data has consistently revealed a characteristic PD-related brain pattern (PDRP). By quantifying PDRP expression on a scan-by-scan basis, ...
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      Accelerated forgetting in temporal lobe epilepsy: When does it occur? 

      Contador, Israel; Sánchez, Abraham; Kopelman, Michael D.; González de la Aleja, Jesús; Ruisoto, Pablo (Cortex, 2021)
      Objective: The main goal of the study was to analyse differences in the forgetting rates of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE) patients at different intervals (30 sec, 10 min, 1 day and 1 week) compared with those of healthy ...
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      Acceptance of lexical overlap by monolingual and bilingual toddlers 

      Kalashnikova, Marina; Oliveri, Aimee; Mattock, Karen (International Journal of Bilingualism, 2019)
      Aims and Objectives: Mutual exclusivity refers to children’s assumption that there are oneto-one correspondences between words and their referents. It is proposed to guide the process of fast-mapping when children encounter ...
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      Accurate Bayesian segmentation of thalamic nuclei using diffusion MRI and an improved histological atlas 

      Tregidgo, Henry F.J.; Soskic, Sonja; Althonayan, Juri; Maffei, Chiara; Van Leemput, Koen; Golland, Polina; Insausti, Ricardo; Lerma-Usabiaga, Garikoitz; Caballero-Gaudes, César; Paz-Alonso, Pedro M.; Yendiki, Anastasia; Alexander, Daniel C.; Bocchetta, Martina; Rohrer, Jonathan D.; Iglesias, Juan Eugenio; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ELSEVIER, 2023)
      The human thalamus is a highly connected brain structure, which is key for the control of numerous functions and is involved in several neurological disorders. Recently, neuroimaging studies have increasingly focused ...
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      ACMUS: Comparative Assessment of a Musical Multimedia Tool 

      Ostiz-Blanco, Mikel; Pina Calafi, Alfredo; Lizaso Azcárate, Miriam; Grau Carrión, Sergi (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2016)
      In this paper it is described the assessment of the ACMUS (Accessible Music), a multimedia tool that merges sound and colours in order to make music and its benefits more accessible. The aim of the assessment is to clarify ...
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      Acoustic features of infant-directed speech to infants with hearing loss 

      Lovcevic, Irena; Kalashnikova, Marina; Burnham, Denis (The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 2020)
      This study investigated the effects of hearing loss and hearing experience on the acoustic features of infant-directed speech (IDS) to infants with hearing loss (HL) compared to controls with normal hearing (NH) matched ...
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      Activating words without language: beta and theta oscillations reflect lexical access and control processes during verbal and non-verbal object recognition tasks 

      Branzi, Francesca M.; Martin, Clara D.; Biau, Emmanuel (OXFORD, 2023)
      The intention to name an object modulates neural responses during object recognition tasks. However, the nature of this modulation is still unclear. We established whether a core operation in language, i.e. lexical access, ...
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      Addressee Identity and Morphosyntactic Processing in Basque Allocutive Agreement 

      Wolpert, Max; Mancini, Simona; Caffarra, Sendy (Frontiers in Psychology, 2017)
      Information about interlocutor identity is pragmatic in nature and has traditionally been distinguished from explicitly coded linguistic information, including mophosyntax. Study of speaker identity in language processing ...