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dc.contributor.authorde Lange, Paul
dc.contributor.authorBoto, Elena
dc.contributor.authorHolmes, Niall
dc.contributor.authorHill, Ryan M.
dc.contributor.authorBowtell, Richard
dc.contributor.authorWens, Vincent
dc.contributor.authorDe Tiège, Xavier
dc.contributor.authorBrookes, Matthew J.
dc.contributor.authorBourguignon, Mathieu
dc.identifier.citationPaul de Lange, Elena Boto, Niall Holmes, Ryan M. Hill, Richard Bowtell, Vincent Wens, Xavier De Tiège, Matthew J. Brookes, Mathieu Bourguignon, Measuring the cortical tracking of speech with optically-pumped magnetometers, NeuroImage, Volume 233, 2021, 117969, ISSN 1053-8119,
dc.descriptionAvailable online 17 March 2021es_ES
dc.description.abstractDuring continuous speech listening, brain activity tracks speech rhythmicity at frequencies matching with the repetition rate of phrases (0.2–1.5 Hz), words (2–4 Hz) and syllables (4–8 Hz). Here, we evaluated the applica- bility of wearable MEG based on optically-pumped magnetometers (OPMs) to measure such cortical tracking of speech (CTS). Measuring CTS with OPMs is a priori challenging given the complications associated with OPM mea- surements at frequencies below 4 Hz, due to increased intrinsic interference and head movement artifacts. Still, this represents an important development as OPM-MEG provides lifespan compliance and substantially improved spatial resolution compared with classical MEG. In this study, four healthy right-handed adults listened to continuous speech for 9 min. The radial component of the magnetic field was recorded simultaneously with 45–46 OPMs evenly covering the scalp surface and fixed to an additively manufactured helmet which fitted all 4 participants. We estimated CTS with reconstruction accuracy and coherence, and determined the number of dominant principal components (PCs) to remove from the data (as a preprocessing step) for optimal estimation. We also identified the dominant source of CTS using a minimum norm estimate. CTS estimated with reconstruction accuracy and coherence was significant in all 4 participants at phrasal and word rates, and in 3 participants (reconstruction accuracy) or 2 (coherence) at syllabic rate. Overall, close-to- optimal CTS estimation was obtained when the 3 (reconstruction accuracy) or 10 (coherence) first PCs were removed from the data. Importantly, values of reconstruction accuracy (~0.4 for 0.2–1.5-Hz CTS and ~0.1 for 2–8-Hz CTS) were remarkably close to those previously reported in classical MEG studies. Finally, source recon- struction localized the main sources of CTS to bilateral auditory cortices. In conclusion, t his study demonstrates that OPMs can be used for the purpose of CTS assessment. This finding opens new research avenues to unravel the neural network involved in CTS across the lifespan and potential alterations in, e.g., language developmental disorders. Data also suggest that OPMs are generally suitable for recording neural activity at frequencies below 4 Hz provided PCA is used as a preprocessing step; 0.2–1.5-Hz being the lowest frequency range successfully investigated here.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipElena Boto, Niall Holmes, Ryan M Hill, Richard Bowtell and Matthew J Brookes are supported by the UK Quantum Technology Hub in Sens- ing and Timing, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Re- search Council (EPSRC) ( EP/T001046/1 ), and a Wellcome Collabora- tive Award in Science ( 203257/Z/16/Z and 203257/B/16/Z ). Xavier De Tiège is Postdoctorate Clinical Master Specialist at the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FRS-FNRS, Brussels, Belgium). Mathieu Bour- guignon was supported by the program Attract of Innoviris (grant 2019- BB2B-110 ). The SQUID-based and OPM-based MEG projects at the CUB Hôpital Erasme are financially supported by the Fonds Erasme (Brussels, Bel- gium).es_ES
dc.subjectCortical tracking of speeches_ES
dc.subjectOptically pumped magnetometeres_ES
dc.titleMeasuring the cortical tracking of speech with optically-pumped magnetometerses_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND licensees_ES

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