Neurozientziak Unibertsitate Masterra;;Máster Universitario en Neurociencias: Recent submissions
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Mapping of plasticity and stress-related markers in acute and chronic stress in rats
(2023-04-05)[EN] Stress is a physiological response to any kind of demand or threat that challenges the homeostasis of the organism. Although stress increases alertness and performance, excessive stress often negatively affects cognitive ... -
Effects of the absence of TRPV1 in the expression of the cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptor in the brain
(2023-04-05)[EN] Though cannabinoids functions in the brain are typically associated with the activation of cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1R), several effects depend on the activation of TRPV1, a receptor from the transient receptor ... -
Loki-lobuluko epilepsiaren animalia-eredu batean hipokanpo mailan gertatzen diren aldaketak: hipokanpoaren mendeko portaerak, endokannabinoide sistema eta astrozitoak
(2023-04-05)[EU] Ikerketa honen helburua, alde batetik, loki-lobuluko epilepsiaren animalia-eredu batean hipokanpoaren mendekoak diren portaeren aldaketak aztertzea da. Horrela, oroimenean eta habia egiteko gaitasunean dituen eraginak ... -
Efectos de la modulación del receptor nicotínico α7 en la respuesta inflamatoria tras la isquemia cerebral: infiltración leucocitaria e integridad de la barrera hematoencefálica.
(2023-04-05)[ES] En las diferentes etapas del infarto cerebral, la inflamación es de vital importancia. Por ello, el control de la respuesta inflamatoria mediante la modulación del receptor nicotínico α7 puede ser decisivo. La ...