Browsing TRALIMA/ITZULIK-Publicaciones by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 127
A framework for the description of drama translations
(Universidad de La Laguna, 1994-11)[EN] The purpose of this paper is to to propose a framework for the description of translated playtexts. The object of study is (interlingual) translations (from the 1950s to the 1980s, English into Spanish) rather than ... -
A historical approach to Spanish theatre translations from censorship archives
(Peter Lang, 2012)[EN] This contribution offers an overview of research undertaken for the last few years under the TRACE (translation and censorship, or censored translations) project with respect to theatre. The AGA (General Administration ... -
A view from the stage: Arthur Miller in Spanish
(Institute of Translation and Interpreting, 1993)[EN] Arthur Miller's plays have been introduced in Spain at regular intervals of time since the 1950s by various theatre professionals, immersed in the Spanish theatrical system (translators, stage directors, actors). From ... -
Alemanetik euskaratutako unitate fraseologikoen itzulpen-azterketa. Tesiaren nondik norakoak
(EIZIE, 2015-09)[EUS] Artikulu honetan, 2015eko martxoan defendatutako tesiaren nondik norakoak laburtuko ditugu. Tesiaren helburu nagusia unitate fraseologikoen (UF) itzulpena aztertzea izan da, alemanetik euskarara egin diren literatur ... -
An analysis of Basque collocations formed by onomatopoeia and verbs in a translational corpus of literary texts
(Walter de Gruyter, 2020-01)Collections of Basque proverbs and idioms have been compiled since the 16th century, but it was not until recently that interest in the study of phraseological units (PU) has arisen among researchers from different fields. ... -
Arias-Badia, B. (2020) Subtitling Television Series. A Corpus-Driven Study of Police Procedurals. Oxford: Peter Lang. 244 pp. ISBN 978-1-78707-796-6. Review
(UCOPress, 2020)The volume Subtitling Television Series. A Corpus-Driven Study of Police Procedurals by Dr Blanca Arias-Badia (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) reports on a study of linguistic features present in a corpus of English ... -
Arthur Miller's A View From the Bridge in Spanish
(DigitalCommons@Providence, 1994-03)The comparative study of two published Spanish translations of Arthur Miller's A view from the bridge challenges the concepts of page-oriented or stage-oriented translation but also the concepts of drama translation and ... -
Aspectos semióticos en la subtitulación de situaciones cómicas
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2001)... -
Audiovisual Translation in the Basque Country: The Case of Basque Television-Euskal Telebista (ETB)
(Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2012-06)[EN] Recent historical translation research done on Basque state-owned television shows that while the Basque-speaking channel has used dubbed translation of children’s programmes to promote and standardize the use of ... -
La autotraducción en el contexto vasco: entre distancia interlingüística y la constitución de un campo literario nacional transfronterizo
(2015)[FR] L'objectif principal de cet article est de fournir au lecteur une image détaillée de la situation littéraire basque, avec un accent particulier sur le rôle et le travail accompli par la traduction et l’autotraduction ... -
Barambones Zubiria, Josu (2012): Lenguas minoritarias y traducción: La traducción audiovisual en euskera. Colección TRAMA. Castelló de la Plana: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I, 172 p.
(Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2014-04)[ES] A partir de la metodología que proporcionan los Estudios Descriptivos de Traducción, la obra ofrece una panorámica de la traducción audiovisual en euskera y establece un modelo de análisis de los textos audiovisuales ... -
Bideo-jokoen lokalizazioaren ikerketa deskribatzailea: garatzaileetatik jokalarietara
(Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (UEU), 2021)[EUS] Bideo-jokoen salmentak urtero hazten dira eta irabazien zati handi bat lokalizazioari esker lortzen da (hots, itzulpenari gehi behar beste aldaketa tekniko, juridiko eta estetikoei esker). Erakutsiko dugu lokalizazioan ... -
Building a trilingual parallel corpus to analyse literary translations from German into Basque
(Claudio Fantinuoli; Federico Zanettin, 2015)The aim of this paper is to present the steps we undertook to build our multilingualaligned parallel corpus created to analyse translations from German into Basque and to report initial results. Translation into Basque ... -
Building TRACE (translations censored) theatre corpus: some methodological questions on text selection
(Cambridge Scholars Publishing,Newcastle, U.K., 2010)[EN] Many of the theatre translations that were published, performed or shown in the Franco period are still part and parcel of Spanish culture now, with very few updates. Theatre translation catalogues compiled under the ... -
Las cadenas intertextuales inglés-español: traducciones y otras transferencias (inter)semióticas
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2001)... -
El canal de comunicación en la traducción audiovisual
(Universidad del País Vasco, Facultad de Filología, Departamento de Filología Inglesa y Alemana, 1994)... -
Censored Translations in Franco’s Spain: The TRACE Project — Theatre and Fiction (English-Spanish)
(Association Canadienne de Traductologie, 2002)[EN] This article explores whether translational phenomena that are particular to censoring societies, such as Franco’s Spain, exist and, if so, whether they are exclusive to this type of recipient context. By using data ... -
Censorship, translation and integration in the theatre of the Franco era: José López Rubio, theatrical figure and translator
(Taylor and Francis, 2016)[EN] Spanish theatre professionals were responsible for the integration of foreign theatre in Spanish stages in Francoist Spain. The role of theatre translators, or of Spanish playwrights-translators, has been seldom ... -
La censura del teatro de Samuel Beckett en España (1955-1978)
(Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid, 2020)[ES] Desde 1955, año en que se estrena Esperando a Godot en Madrid, las obras teatrales de Samuel Beckett se han representado de forma constante en España. Esta contribución tratará de reconstruir la entrada e integración ... -
Censura política y censura económica en el teatro traducido (inglés > español)
(Universidade de Vigo, Servizo de Publicacións, 1999)[ES] Esta aportación plantea el estudio del modo en que la censura ha intervenido como filtro cultural en la literatura traducida, tanto la publicada como la representada (inglés-español) en la segunda mitad de nuestro ...